WVO Coversion Miracle

I've been running WVO for over a year now on a competitors system. Finally i got fed up with both the poor engine performance and my secondary WVO tank with heat exchanger built in. (I was starting to get scum build up in the tank from the constant heating and cooling inside. I also have problems with leaks and the fact that it made the temperature of my trunk rise to over 90% after a few hours was getting to me). I pulled out the system and replaced it with a system from mercedessource.com and I get a miracle. The electric boost pump and sump heater supplied by mercedescource are amazing. It fixed the sluggish acceleration and I'll bet I have about 10% more power now. My car always ran better on wvo than diesel but this boost pump has given my 240 new life. And all 240D owners know they need all the power they can get.


Chassis Model Number