1979 300d Turn Signal Relay

Hey everyone,
I cannot for the life of me find the turn signal relay on my 1979 300D. My left signal flashes twice as fast as the right one and the bulb in front is very weak while the rear one is bright. Both bulbs are brand new and all the connections look good. I also replaced the hazard button on the console and the problem remains.
I have the new turn signal relay from mercedessource but I can't find where it goes. It definitely doesn't go under the console like some of the posts I've read and it doesn't seem to be anywhere under the drivers side dash. I traced the wiring from the steering column to one relay but its a much larger 8 or 9 pin and that seems to be the only relay under there that the turn signal wiring goes through.
I also traced the wiring under the hood and don't see it there. Am I going crazy here and it's staring me in the face or what??!!
Thanks for all your advice!
Brandon Oswald
1985 300D "Dwight"
1984 300D "Blue"
1979 300D "Red"


Chassis Model Number