engine stop
1983 300D Engine will not shut off with key have to use stop button in engine bay, Key does turn off gagues but not engine. Help?
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1983 300D Engine will not shut off with key have to use stop button in engine bay, Key does turn off gagues but not engine. Help?
I was merging onto the highway with my left turn signal on and about halfway into the merge the turn signal stopped working. The dash lights and the external lights don't flash anymore in either direction.
I don't know if its related but I replaced the voltage regulator and the battery the weekend before because it started to need a jump every morning.
Please give me some suggestions for starting to troubleshoot this issue.
Does anyone know if you need to check/adjust oil level in the injector pump after an in service primer fuel pump change? I know the factory manual says to fill it when you put on a new injection pump.
First, I was removing my fuel injectors to do a compression test, I looked in each of the pre-chambers for oil and carbon (as instructed). I found what appears to be in inconsistency. when looking into my number 3 pre-chamber I see a normal appearing tip of the glow plug and another "thing"--it is bulbous in the middle and then thins out as it goes toward the ends of the chamber (on the "normal" five chambers. But in number 3, it appears that in just this chamber the part does NOT to extend all of the way through the chamber on both sides (only one side). Is this normal? what is this part? Should I be concerned? (i have a picture but i can't figure out how to load it into this text box)
I have a 1985 Turbo federal model...no particulate filter. I bought the turbo rebuild kit and tested the turbo beforehand. It only boosts to 7.5 psi without the installation of the kit (in summeer). I have not rebuilt the turbo yet. The car is extremely slow off the line and in cold weather....I can floor it for three minutes with no increase in RPM. (Some people even cut my block heater cord off because it smoked so much....as if that would stop me!)
I have a 300D with 250k. recently the car wouldn't start or try to fire up at all until you shut the switch and try a second time and it fires right up. this is a recurring problem but it will always fire right up on the second try. The fuel lines have been replaced a few months ago all the way to the tank and there are no fuel leaks anywhere so I figured the lift pump might be loosing its prime and I tried a little experiment. Before starting up in the morning I used the hand primer pump about 10 strokes and she fired right up first try.
Hi Team,
Australia never got the factory turbodiesels. Aside from a lower quoted output from the 950, just wondering what other differences there are between it and the .951 and if there are any issues in parts swapping, transmissions, lines etc.
1933 300D altnator not charging Instaled a new altnator with new voltage relator. Still not charging. What is the little plug with 3 wires coming into a plug and 1 wire pluging into the altnator? Can and should this be replaced/ Wher can I get this box ?
About two months after replacing the vacuum pump, a sharp "ticking" sound started that seemed to come from the front of the engine, and that varied directly with the engine speed. Checking the power steering pump reservoir revealed it was about half full. I added fluid but the ticking was still there.
The next thing I did was to adjust the valves. While turning the engine by hand for this procedure, I noticed a sharp-but-hollow sounding "pop" coming up from deep inside the engine at the timing chain. The sound occurred at what seemed to be every complete revolution of the engine. It may have been every half-revolution, but in any case, the "popping" was occurring at consistent points in the rotation of the engine. I know the vacuum pump opens up into the crankcase...
3 months ago I replaced all my glow plugs and used the reamer tool to clean out the carbon build up.
3 weeks ago the glow light stayed on after the engine started. I stopped twice on the way home to kill the engine and restart it.
3 hours ago my glow light mostly stayed on and I hit every green light on my commute. So I didn't stop and restart the engine. By the time I got home the battery was almost dead. Now I'm charging the battery and wondering about tomorrow.