Here is a wrench I should have made 15+ years ago. I can not believe how much time and frustration I would have saved over the years working on all those 100's of Mercedes diesel engines if I would have done it! How would you like a wrench that will quickly and easily loosen and tighten both the upper and lower fuel injector hard line nuts on your older 200D, 220D, 240D, 300D, 300CD, 300TD and 300SD up to 1985? .

Product Details
Watch the video above and I will explain why I developed this special wrench, the modifications I had to make and how to use it (live on an OM617 turbo diesel engine).
Notice the bend to the open end head of the wrench as well as the modification to the width of both the head and the end of the handle. You get a lot more wrench movement on those lower nuts with more clearance between each nut and the width of the narrower head and handle. BUT DO NOT USE THE OPEN END OF THIS WRENCH FOR HEAVY WRENCHING. It is not designed for that and since the head has been narrowed you can spread the jaws of the open end apart if you abuse this wrench. Save it for your injector hard lines!