If you want miracles to happen with frozen rusty nuts and bolts, this will amaze you. Safe, quick, and very high heat to loosen the offering fastener.
Kent was a little skeptical when you first used this—it sounded like it would be too good to be true. The first use was getting some rusty bolts off the Garrett T3 turbine housing ( some of you know the pain there!). Well, it worked, and it worked very well. Watch how Kent uses the heater on a frozen oil cooler hose nut ( saving damage to a very expensive oil cooler).
Magnetic Induction Heater 110v 1Kw w/ Three Coils Included to Attack Stuck Fasteners
Product Details
Notice I was able to UNWIND the copper coil to get it over the pipe and then REWIND it over the nut before applying heat.
Three sizes of heat coils as shown.