Diesel starting problems - cont.

My daughter has her 1985 300D at school in upstate NY, I'm in Missouri. She can't get her car started. I changed the pre-glow relay just befor she drove to NY, for the first time, in March. The initial problem was that the glow light never went off, the relay fixed that. A couple of weeks after she got to school she mentioned that the glow light stayed on after she started the car. Ignition on, light on, light off, start car, light back on always. This is different than the original problem when the light never went off during the pre-glow phase. NOW, the car just won't start, she say's she has fuel. It turns over, but she just gets a lot of smoke while attempting to get it started again and again. She has checked all the fuses. Being over 800 miles away and not being that knowledgeable about the 300d, any help?


Chassis Model Number