Vacuum Routing - 1983 300sd

Hey Kent: The vacuum book has help alot,but I have a problem that I cannot find help anywhere. The 3/2 valves are really 2 on top of one another. When I got the car several of the curved lines were rotted,and where they plug into the plastic 5-way connector ( which the rubber conector plugs into) was missing tits. So I used the diagram for the 80 to 81 300D and 240D trying to get the vac working right.I stopped the clunking slowing down to a stop.1,2,an 3rd shift ok but early,but 4th wants to slip then shift. Unless you drag race,it shifts fine.So I drive her in 3rd and shift to 4th on my own. Will the diagram I used work? And if not how can I get one not showing the 5 way connector.But show me where each line off each 3/2 valve is going. Thank again for all your help, Nate in TN PS. to get to where I had the right number of lines,I had to buy a T and connect two parts of the 3/2 valves to one source.


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