1984 330D New Monarks

Hi all at Mercedessource and forum. I put the Monark injectors in "Old Yella today. The instructions were great as usual and every thing went smooth. I had one minor disappointment and one question and would like a little advice on both. First the disappointment: You know how you get a little diesel fuel around the pre-chamber and the wells that the injectors sit in as you expell the air from the hard lines with the nuts cracked a 1/4 to a 1/2 turn? Okay, well I did everything to a tee. I torqued all the injectors at 59 ft/lbs. Then got rid of the air and tightened the nuts after fuel showed at all injectors. Started her up and she ran a little rough till the rest of the air worked its way out. Now the disappointment. I could see a few bubbles forming at the #1 cylinder indicating something was leaking pressure. I don't know if the compression was making its way past the crush washer (installed curved side down) or if it was leaking around the prechamber, which could have been like that for a while, but I had never noticed because no fuel was ever pooled-up there. It has all dried up now so no more bubbles, but I guess I should try to pinpoint it if I can. Any tips either way, if it is prechamber or at injector? Do I go for easy first and take injector out and try another new crush washer, retorque to 59. I made sure all carbon and oil was out of the well before dropping the washer in and installing injector. Bubbles were slight can I just keep driving? The other question I had was that all the old Bosch injectors did not look to bad. (166,000 miles) The bottom of the #3 injector nozzle looked a little burnt or darker not a bright and shiny circle like the others. What causes this? The good news....Old Yeller did 90mph without the hint of a struggle.


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