Hi all,
I've got a 1979 300TD non-turbo that isn't shifting correctly. I'd like to start out with the vaccum system, but can't seem to come up with a schematic.
I've got Kent's transmission tuning manual, but the transmission in the 1979 wagon looks to be different than any of those explicitly described in the manual, and the vacuum schematics in the appendix don't seem to match either.
I've got two questions:
What is (and how do I test) the item labeled "B" in this picture? (I assume it's the VCV)
Where can I get my hands on the correct vacuum schematic for this vehicle?
The symptoms are that the car will down shift at less than an inch of pedal. If I put my foot in it, the shifts occur at very close to the right points (marks on speedo), little late for my taste, but not bad. At anything less than full pedal the shifts feel (sound) late.
I haven't done a compression test yet, but have new glow plugs and a reamer in hand...so I'll have that information soon.