AUTO to MANUAL conversion

HI !!! TO ALL ON THIS FORUM (MAY 30TH, 2007) I just registered 3-4 days ago on this web site. Here is a question that might sound a bit "crazy" ? I just love MANUAL transmissions and vast majority of MBZ sold in USA were AUTO. Has anyone attempted to pair up ANY manual tranny(MBZ or other - 4,5,6 speed) with the 5 cyl 3 litre turbo engine??? If not done personaly... maybe read/heard about it on web. Would very much appreciate ANY info you could share on this. Note: Done this many years ago on on Renault Alliance. Had that car for another 7 years ...till there were no parts to be found in local dismantler-yards. Thanks ... to Kent and Co. for doing such great things with MBZ and sharing via this web site. Bob


Chassis Model Number