Body and Interior Specific Aid

85-300SD Battery Drains Dead Nightly?

I am baffled finding direction for a solution with problem. Every morning I need a jump start. I have a new Bosch battery purchased 30 days ago. Once charged it runs for the day. However, when I start the car throughout the day the driver front seat starts to move forward until the car slowly fires backup? This is recent situation and I have not made any significant changes to the 300SD that would affect this situation.

Need troubleshooting advice. Thanks for any guidance.

Chassis Model Number


84 300SD weak ignition switch

I have an 84 300 SD with 279,000 miles. My wife has a key ring on the ignition key. After 28 years the weight has caused the ignition switch return spring to weaken to the point with just the key in the ignition alone it won't return to the II spot. My question is, is that spring that returns the switch to the run position in the key part of the lock itself or the is it part of the larger locking mechanism?

Chassis Model Number


1986 300SDL hood spring?

I was driving down the street and my hood came unlatched and bent backward over the windshield. (I don't think I had it latched completely down.) I was able to stop and bend it back down, but the hood is dented and the driver's side (large) hood spring came loose.
How do I replace the spring? I am going to replace the hood (but have not yet.) will it be easier to do with the hood off? I barely get my hand down next to the fuse box say nothing of figure out how to stretch that spring into place. Is there a special tool for this job?



Chassis Model Number


light problem 300 D

87 300D

Yesterday my light went funny. The light monitor on the dash came on and the right side parking lights and the dash lights quit working. I pulled tested and changed front and rear bulbs but no change. Went to the fuse box and checked all the fuses with a test light. Located what i think is the light monitor unit right behind the fuse box. all seemed ok. Where do I go now. I'm lost.
Thanks Mike

Chassis Model Number


'85 300D heat driver's side cold passenger

Hot air is coming out of the appropriate places on drivers side, but ambient temp air from the passenger side. Buttons on dash change air routing but still temps remain as above. I have the automatic climate control. Both hoses of the monovalve are hot. Any suggestions. Days of internet searching have come up empty. 1985 300 D eurodelivery model 280,000 mi.


Paul Sipe

Chassis Model Number


82 300SD Heater blows warm at idle, not at speed

Re '82 300SD. Climate control switches blow air at normal rate (auto and full-on), but it only warms up at idle (e.g. stopped at traffice light). Otherwise it is cool but not cold. I replaced the thermostat; engine warms up quickly to operating temp. When fan turned off (not on auto or full on), I can feel nice warm air at side vents, so warm air seems to be in the hoses. But press the buttons and it's only cool air. Is this a monovalve issue? Something else? Thanks.

Chassis Model Number


W123 83 300cd Leaking Trunk Lid

I am collecting water in the perforated area on the trunk lid. After a rain, when I open the trunk lid, water start pulling out from the holes in the under portion of the trunk lid, the trunk gasket is fixing good, I cannot figure out where the water is coming from and how it is getting in the perforated area. As soon as i open the trunk lid the water that was collected in the perforated portion of the trunk lid, start pouring into the trunk. I am open to any suggestions, there is no water in trunk well areas.

Chassis Model Number

