The Injector line at the Firewall - You know, the one with the nail it.

Hi Everyone, Just want to first also throw my 2 cents in that this is the best Mercedes Site - period. All books and tools I have received - work, so please do shop here. Also, I have found things generally are easier to do than you expect. On my 82 240D, 4 cylinder 123, the last injector near the firewall has a short line coming out of it, therein is located a nail to plug it. Since it is not a $10 Mercedes nail, I figure, it probably wasn't built with it. This injector also it still getting a little blow-by even after diesel purge (the purge made the engine purr by the way - that was sweetness). So I am wondering, what goes here and is this supposed to be a short plugged line or is is it maybe a longer line than returns to somewhere? Could this be the cause of this one injector blow-by or is it time for a new injector? (Note: This car was stored for the Winter when I purchased it.)


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