The Monark nozzles #120 are all gone, never to be remade. We do have a few hundred #128 nozzles still available. All 220D 240D 300D 300CD 300TD 300SD 1968 to 1985 AND 1984 1985 190D 2.2

Product Details
- 1 Injector Nozzle Included
- No Instructions included
- Heat shield INCLUDED but not pictured
- 12 month warranty provided when all assembly precautions are followed
Ideally you should pressure test and set the correct release pressure when installing new tips. If there is a Bosch repair facility near by you can have them do this testing/adjusting for you. You can install these tips without checking adjustment and in many cases they will fall into an acceptable pressure/spray pattern range. This might be preferable to badly worn out fuel injectors - but best to test pressures to know for sure.
NOTE: If you are running SVO WVO or B100 these have the highly touted DN OSD 261 specification. Many, including myself, have reported great results with these nozzles when running heavier viscosity fuel.