Why do these go hand-in-hand? Well if you do not change the cabin air filter(s) it is likely the dust will work its way into the blower motor and cause squeaking and chirping at low fan speeds. If that noise is ignored you will end up replacement the heater blower motor. One can relate to the other. Cabin air filters should be changed yearly. Dirty cabin filter(s) also lead to low air volume through the heater and defrost vents

Product Details
This is a DIY video that covers some of the simple things you can do to fix heater blower problems on your W211. It does not go into climate controls, computer controls, etc. It will help you primarily solve problems with blower motor noise and low volume flow with motor on high speed. This detailed video shot while repairing a 2004 E500 covers the following step-by-step procedures.
- External cabin air filter location, inspection and replacement
- Ease of replacing cabin air filter(s)
- Cleaning the intake air box with disinfectant
- Testing the flow through the vents
- Location and access of interior cabin air filters
- Removing the under dash panel
- Actual removal of the blower motor from under the dash
- Explanation of the complete blower motor assembly
- Cleaning and blowing out the motor with compressed air
- Lubricating the blower motor
- Proper lubrication to use
- Explanation of the internal cabin air filters (not same on all W211’s
- Removal and replacement of internal charcoal cabin air filters.
- Why replace the cabin air filters?
This video DOES NOT cover issues with the blower regulator, but if your motor does not run or runs all the time then the regulator is the primary culprit. At least this video will show you how to get to the regulator.
The video applies directly to all W211 chassis from 2003 to 2009. This includes the E320, E500 and E350. It will apply in principle to other models but the specifics of removing and replacing the parts are only covered for the W211 chassis sedan. There are LOTs of things you can learn here about Mercedes heater blower motor inspection, cleaning and lubrication that applies to most models from the 1970’s up through the 2000’s
Total Run Time: 22:58
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Important note: This video manual may or may not include all the information you will need to troubleshoot and/or repair your specific problem/s. Please read the full description carefully to determine if this video is applicable to your year and model and contains the information you are looking for. If not, please refer back to our "Solutions Finder" and enter your chassis number and the specific problem you are having to see if we offer a solution.