My NUMBER ONE Warning That You Should Heed
There are a number of things that can break on an old car but this one will really leave your stranded!
From my own experience and from hearing from lots of other's experiences I can not stress enough - DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR IGNITION TUMBLER AND STEERING LOCK ASSEMBLY! If your key is starting to "stick" or "catch" in the tumbler then you shoud replace it before it will not turn and leave you stranded! In the picture here the owner tried to drill it out, but let me tell you they do not drill out very well. If you neglect this warning you could end up spending hundreds of dollars instead of less than $50 for new new tumbler and keys. We have the most complete source of DIY tools and kits to fix or replace your own ignition key and steering lock problems. Just type " steering lock " in the search box above.