2FREE limp-home troubleshooting video included! Be forewarned! It is not as easy as it looks on some YouTube videos to remove a valve body and conductor plate from an early 722.9 transmission. If you are not careful, you can severely damage the conductor plate while removing the valve body, AND you have to make sure you use the correct torque on ALL the related bolts. The 10 aluminum stretch bolts that hold the valve body must be replaced. It is easy to break the heads off these bolts if you try to reuse them.

Product Details
Even if you do not plan to replace or repair the conductor plate, Kent strongly recommends you remove and thoroughly clean the two components at the same time you do a fluid change if your car has over 80,000 miles on it. Experience has demonstrated that these get ABSOLUTELY FILTHY!
This kit contains:
- Eight aviation grade lint free towels
- Approximately 50 lint-free foam swabs
- 10 replacement original expensive aluminum stretch bolts for the valve body ( must be replaced ).
- Nylon gun cleaning brush
- Three pairs of nitrile gloves. ( gloves must be worn when working with the 722.9 transmission fluid)
- Detailed video instructions
Why all the cleaning supplies, you ask? You do not want to use solvents or cleaning agents when working on the valve body and conductor plate...
ADDED FREE BONUS: Kent's video on troubleshooting a limp home mode problem on your early 7-speed 722.9 transmission.
Other items you will need or should consider. See the related products below to order separately.
1. You MUST use a small torque wrench to assemble the components. Do not try to do it by feel or you can damage surfaces or break bolts.
2. You will need a way to pressure-fill the transmission from the bottom of the pan. ( there is no fill tube)
3. Kent recommends you have an infrared thermometer gun to measure fluid heat while filling.
4. You will need a new gasket and filter and new fluid. Recommend you consider upgrading to the deeper pan and better filter.