If your fuel level gauge is not reading accurately or the needle jumps around and or your car’s low fuel warning light does not comes on, it is usually a problem with the tubular sending unit in the fuel tank. If you don’t fix it, you may run out of fuel some day when the gauge is reading a quarter of a tank! Replacement units are very expensive new and some are no longer available. With the right knowledge and tools fixing a malfunctioning fuel tank sending unit is not difficult.
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Keep in mind that not every sending unit is repairable. In 8 cases out of 10 Kent has found that taking them apart and cleaning the slide, wires, and contact points will get a faulty unit working again. This video will help you do just that.
The video contains the following specific information related to opening up and repairing the sending units in the 1973 to 1991 W107, W116, W123 and W126 chassis cars.Symptoms of a malfunctioning sending unit
- Other things you should check
- Removing the sending unit from the back shelf of W116
- Location on the W116 and W123 (sedans and coupes)
- Use of special socket
- Care in removing the unit from the car
- Close up on the bench and how to do the tilt test
- Opening up and inspecting for contamination
- Care when taking it apart
- How it looks and works on the inside
- Quick visual checks
- Problems with internal rust and how to deal with it
- Opening it up with a special tool that you can easily make yourself
- How the special tool works
- Using the same special tool to clean the internal slide rod
- Care in working around the internal wires
- Ways to clean the internals and tools to use
- Cleaning contact points and wire slide clips
- Final polishing and cleaning tips
- Reassembly sequence
- Locating in W123 station wagon
- Location in W126 sedans and coupes
- Location in W123 sedans and coupes
- Inspecting the tank when the sender is removed
- Opening it up and inspecting / cleaning as a preventative measure
- Final testing before installation
- Test showing what it should sound like when working properly
PLEASE NOTE: Removal procedures for all models is not covered in detail. Kent shows specific removal in a 116 sedan and a 123 wagon and then explains access to it in the 126 and 123 models. This video DOES NOT COVER rebuilding and rewiring any major components inside the sending unit. It also does not cover problems you might have with the gauge in the dash or the wiring going to it. Sending unit removal procedures for the R107 chassis is NOT mentioned or covered here.
Total Run Time: 25:13
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Important note: This video manual may or may not include all the information you will need to troubleshoot and/or repair your specific problem/s. Please read the full description carefully to determine if this video is applicable to your year and model and contains the information you are looking for. If not, please refer back to our "Solutions Finder" and enter your chassis number and the specific problem you are having to see if we offer a solution.