Part 1: Chasing Interior Water Leaks in Older Mercedes Benz - On Demand Video

Example of diagnosing a severe water leak in a W124 chassis wagon. Principles apply to many models.

Interior water leaks are very common. More so on the older 108, 116, 114, 115. 123, and 126 chassis than on the 201 and 124 chassis. This is largely due to the fact that the older models used rubber seals on the rear glass and on the front windshield (except the 126). That does not mean the 201 and 124 are immune to interior water leaks. Do you want to see a really good example of a large water leak and what was causing it?

Part 1: Chasing Interior Water Leaks in Older Mercedes Benz - On Demand Video
On Demand Video
Chasing Interior Water Leaks in Older Mercedes Benz - On Demand Video

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Kent walks you through the process of how he diagnosed and found the rear floor leak in a W124 chassis 300TE. He demonstrates how he troubleshoots these type of water leaks. You may be surprised to learn what he found.

At the end of the video Kent mentions chasing 123 water leaks in the next scene. What he really meant to say was "in the next part." Part 2 will cover a much longer and more difficult process of finding water leaks in a 1978 240D. This will be Part 2 in this series. When it is available it will be listed under the related products below.  

Related Repair Details NOT included: This was such as easy repair he actually shows you what he found and did fix the problem and it did not cost any money. He does not cover all sources of water leaks, ie,  window seals, battery box, intake air, tail light seals. Those will be covered in the future on demand videos in this series as he is able to find and film specific water leak problems.

Chassis/Models Used in Production: 1989 300TE Wagon

Applies to the Following Chassis/Models: See chassis listed above.

Total Run Time: 4:50

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Important note: This video manual may or may not include all the information you will need to troubleshoot and/or repair your specific problem/s. Please read the full description carefully to determine if this video is applicable to your year and model and contains the information you are looking for. If not, please refer back to our "Solutions Finder" and enter your chassis number and the specific problem you are having to see if we offer a solution.