Distributor neglect is one of the most common neglected maintenance items that we see on the 6 cylinder 103 engine. Just because the engine is running ok does not mean that the parts are not worn out. One day you will get up in the morning and the engine will not start. You worse yet, you will be driving along and the engine will just quit on you at a stop light! Want to see a good example? Check out Kent's Youtube video series in the link below. You will find this is something you can do yourself and save a lot of money!

Product Details
Video Series 190E 2.6 will not start. A must see! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtRKk64pu2wqaMQWXBWfYrPHkdQ4H836h
This kit includes the following:
- New German distributor cap
- New Bosch distributor rotor
- New distributor cap o-ring seal
- New aftermarket distributor cap black plastic tool
- Blue thread locking compound
- Special hex tool to remove the distributor cap
NO INSTRUCTIONS are included with this kit but instructions are available. See Kent's 103 engine tuning manual listed in the related products below.
Here is what can happen when you ignore your cap and rotor. This 190E would just quit unexpectantly when driving down the road. Once it cooled down it would start up again... Why???? take a look...