
Radiator Neck Kit - 1988 560SL

I reviewed with interest the description of the radiator neck repair kit offered on this site. Not having had any problems - never gave it another thought. After an enjoyable cruise last evening along the Niagara River, before putting the 560SL away, I was checking the oil level and was shocked to see the smallest little bead of coolant at the base of the upper radiator neck. It was only about 1/32" but when I wiped it away, it slowly reappeared. Kent, is it too late for me or will your kit save my bacon? If not, can I assume you have a better replacement rad. available?


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450 SL starting problem hot

I have a 76 450 SL it starts fine cold and runs great, after it is warmed up and shut off it will not restart. It almost acts like a vapor lock. The only way I can get it to run is to hold down the throttle body piston with a screw driver and it will idle. It seems to be more frequent in hotter weather. Any ideas were to start would be appreciated.


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Chassis Model Number

Subframe mounts 1988-560SL

Just received the subframe mount replacement kit. As I am doing a pre-job review of the instructions and looking under the car with front wheels removed - I am concerned with the transmission cooling lines attached to the radiator. Should I detach these lines prior to lowering the subframe??? Looks like they may get hung up if I don't. Has anyone experienced this when doing this job? (The transmission lines are not mentioned in the instruction book) I am looking forward to doing this job myself and hope to get all my ducks in a row prior turning the wrenches.

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