For many years, we were receiving frantic requests from customers asking for help with removing the fuel tank filter screen from their 1971 to 1989 350SL, 450SL, 380SL, 500SL, or 560SL (the same issue also applies to all SLC coupes). Until recently, we did not have a solution other than to tell our customers they may need to remove the fuel tank to get the screen out. Kaia begged me to come up with a solution. When I had to remove the tank filter from my own 380SL, I saw the problem in a new light and went to work to design a new tool. The concept came to me quickly, but getting it to work on hard-to-remove filters was a real challenge. After three modifications, it worked! Watch the video below to see how this amazing tool works. As seen on Cherry. CLICK HERE to watch the full video series on Kent’s R107 rolling restoration.

Product Details
We are selling this tool with a brand new OE genuine fuel tank screen for your R107 or C107. (Note: you will most likely damage your old screen while removing it. Complete video instructions included. Since you will need to drain the fuel out of your fuel tank to remove the screen, we also include Kent's on-demand video on how to do this job safely. This tool requires a couple of 27mm open-end or big adjustable wrenches.
REVISED MARCH 2024 Watch the here BEFORE ORDERING. It contains INSTRUCTIONS on the recent upgrade. Some of the original video instructions do not apply as the top nut is no longer threaded. This will produce a better grip on the old screen socket. NOW just install and tighen the bottom nut so the teeth grip into the screen socket. THEN turn the top nut to remove.
The top section of the lower nut that you will tighten against the tooth ring has been trimmed so if you use a thicker wrench it is easier to get on the toothed nut
Our newest design works on the early flat bottom screens found on the 350SL. The teeth on the locking nut are sharp enough to dig into the older-style screens as shown below.
We tested the gripping ability on a flat steel washer, which is harder than the 350 fuel tank screen. The tool dug right in, as you can see below, and we were able to apply more than 150 ft. pounds of torque without the tool slipping.
The 450SL, 380SL, and 560SL do not have a flat bottom on the fuel tank screen, as you can see below. But in the picture below, you can see how to teeth grip onto the edge of the threaded hole to allow you to remove that style of screen as well.
The wrench size of the bolt head and both nuts is 27mm or 1 and 1/16 inch. You can use adjustable wrenches as well. You will need 2 wrenches to lock the sliding notched nut to the bottom of the tank screen. Then one wrench is needed to turn the TOP NUT ONLY to remove the screen from the fuel tank.
To install the new screen set the sliding notched nut aside and only use the smooth threaded nut and tighten it up the to bottom of the screen. Then install in the fuel tank using a wrench or a socket on the bolt head as shown below.
NOTE TO 350SL OWNERS: The original style flat bottom screens are no longer available, but the newer style screen we provide in this kit will work. But your old outlet fuel hose will not work with this new style screen. We recommend you purchase a new outlet hose when replacing this screen. See related products below.