
In-Line Fuse Question

I am upgrading my existing STC with a second tank and fuel boost pump. My original kit included the Fuel Sump heater, but did not include a relay with it. When I purchased the fuel boost heater, I used the relay included and wired it according to your DTC instructions. 1st Question - Since power is comming from the fuse boss which already has a fuse, do I need to use the in-line fuse supplied with the fuel boost pump? When I did the 10AMP fuse blew at the fuel sump heater. I'm confused since the power went through the fuse boss 10AMP fuse and did not blow this fues, but did blow the fuse at the rear heater.

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Transmission Problems

I have a 1982 240d with an automatic transmission. When I am speeding up sometimes I have to lift up on the accelerator a little when so my transmission will shift into a differnt gear. This is only when I am going about 35 mph and less. Whan I am at higher speeds it works fine. If I dont liftup on the accelator the car will kind of jerk, and then the engine will get really loud. The transmission fluid and filt has not been changed for a wile so I am wondering if that is the problem or if it is worn out. Any information on what this could be and how to fix it would be great.

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Swapping out a 1982 for an 1985 rear end

Hello, I have an 82 300td and I have a 85 parts car with a good drivetrain. Now, I ve heard that the 85 rear end gear ratio is 'better ' than the 82. Could anyone shed some light on this AND most imprtantly, Kent, if your reading this, does your axel repair manual go over this, if not could you give me some main tips??? Thanks so much. James

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