Body and Exterior Trim Getting Your Car to REALLY Shine There is one amazing product Kent recently found that polishes it all!
On Demand Video $3.99 Part 1: Diesel Buyer Beware - Engine Overheating and Coolant Loss Problems - On Demand Video Start with the basics to determine the source of the problem
On Demand Video $4.99 Small Chip Paint Touch Up on Your Benz - On Demand Video The overall visual change can be dramatic when those ugly scratches and rock chips go away
Electrical Inaccurate or Erratic Fuel Gauge This could be caused by one or even a combination of three things.
On Demand Video $2.99 Battery Connection Troubleshooting and Maintenance - On Demand Video Extremely critical on later cars with on board computer systems
$80.00 OM 636 Diesel Engine Monark Fast Glow Plugs x 2 DISCONTINUED BY MONARK FEBRUARY 2018 --We have 2 plugs left for someone who needs spares.
On Demand Video $4.99 Waking Up An Old Benz That Has Sat For Years Part 1 - On Demand Video Kent covers what you may have to do first with the engine and fuel system
Engine Getting an Old Mercedes Diesel to Start Quicker Tired of waiting for the glow plugs to heat up - we have the answer!
Rust / Corrosion Welding in New Sheet Metal When Repairing Rust Out Not always the best solution as you will see here.
Engine Restoring a 1950's and 1960's Era Mercedes that has been stored If the car has been stored or not driven regularly plan on some problems - some may be hidden!