Engine and Component Assembly Lube
Losing Brake Fluid During Brake Hose and Caliper Replacement
1978 450SEL front rotor replacement
I'm replacing the front rotors on my 1978 450SEL this coming weekend and after a quick glance at the front rotor it looks like you need to remove the entire hub on these to replace rotors. I looked for a tutorial covering this but could find one.
If this is the case do you have any gotchas I should be aware of?
Chassis Model Number
Gas Engine Fuel Smells in Car
Automatic Transmission Nylon Shift Bushing Set of 2
Checking Automatic Transmission Fluid Level
1978 450 SEL High Idle 2000 RPM
I have just acquired a 1978 450 SEL and based on the records the motor has about 35k miles on it since a complete rebuild. It starts up and runs fine (wants to die if you give it gas when cold) once warm. It drives great but the idle is high at about 2000 RPM cold and 1700-1800 warm. Not sure where to start.
Vacuum? Is there an idle control of some sort that could be bad?
I don't see an idle adjustment and don't know these gas engines so I'm lost.
Thanks for any help!