
91 350SDL - are there Monarch nozzles available?

I have converted an 83 300TD and am quite happy with this car. I put Monarch nozzles in the injectors.

I have a 91 350SDL (118K) that I want to convert with a two tank system. I have it installed and checked out getting oil from the tank in the trunk where I have the WVO pump. No problems getting oil all the way through the system. The air has been pumped out.

I checked the WVO tank and made sure air could enter it as I pump WVO out of it.

I switch over when the oil is about 140 degrees and the engine soon starts chugging and then dies. If I switch back to diesel and crank for a bit, then I can restart the car.

Even if I switch over when the engine is warm and the car is just idling it is not very happy. (unlike my 300TD).

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87 SDL emergency brake release problem ??

n/a i have a 87 sdl and my emergency brake pedal will no longer retract with hand pull.ive used my foot to lift it up,but now that will not work anymore.i
was told that my cable needs replacing and that its not in the foot pedal mechanism.has anyone replaced this-my indy shop said its a 7 hour labor job.i would like to do this myself and know that the front and rear seat carpet and console have to come out.any info on console removal or other tips .?

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