
Mixing injector cores when rebuilding?

I need to rebuild the injectors on my 1979 300TD, and I have a set of Monarks that I ordered here. I have access to a pop-tester and a shim kit.

I asked my mechanic about obtaining cores so I could do the rebuild at my leisure. He sold me ($50) a mixed set of turbo and non-turbo injectors, after measuring them and deciding it would work.

I don't think he's correct. I suspect the springs in the turbo injector bodies are stronger, and that no amount of shim removal is going to get me the required pop pressure.

Can you confirm or deny?


Chassis Model Number


Valve Adjustment 83 MBCDT

Mercedessource Diesel Valve Adjustment Procedures calls for and shows the cam lobe to be straight up, ie vertical.
Mercedes Maintenance Manual: Tip of cam should be vertical in relation to the rocker arm.
Haynes states same and shows the lobe to be 1 o'clock. Diesel Giant says the same but shows vertical position in second photo of two lobe positions.
Vertical lobe or 1 o'clock looking front to firewall down the camshaft?

Chassis Model Number


85 300TD Loss of power, then stalls

Car started with bad idle in neutral and park (fine in drive), then loss of power on hills, finally crept down to a crawl on highway, eventually stalling. If allowed to sit for a while, would run another mile or so then the same thing. Had been set up and used with veggie oil (2 tank Plantdrive system)but after having this same problem last fall, system was bypassed to run directly on diesel. At that time and over the winter gas tank was removed and cleaned out, screen cleaned, engine breather cleaned out, filters changed (more than once) and the atmospheric compensator replaced.

Chassis Model Number


'83 300D - How to check Oil Pressure?

I recently purchased a 1983 300D with about 148k miles. There are a couple items that don't work, but I'll limit this post to the most critical. On the dashboard, the oil pressure indicator is at zero and does not move at all. I am reluctant to drive the car until I can find out if it is a faulty guage or if there is in fact no oil pressure. Any ideas?

(The other items that don't work are the tachometer and the cigarette lighter)

Chassis Model Number

