
1985 300TD - Fuel Boost Pump Problem?

A couple of years ago I installed the fuel boost pump sold on this site (DSE-COMAEBP) and the optional filter. Can failure of this pump result in fuel supply problems?

I ask because yesterday I developed the classic symptoms of a fuel supply problem: the car will start but runs rough and eventually stalls. I checked the boost pump filter, changed the main fuel filter and bled the air from the system, No change. I then ran diesel purge through the injectors and re-bled the air. No change.

Chassis Model Number


83 300TD To flush or not to flush tranny?

I help a friend maintain her 1983 300TDT, and it is due for a transmission fluid & filter change. It has very recently been slipping when in "D" on an incline, such as at a stop sign at the top of a hill. It will just start rolling back. I will be changing the fluid & filter, and plan on using the Lucas additive as well. She has recently taken it to a couple different shops for some work to be done, and someone had apparently overfilled the transmission. I took out the excess with my mity-vac, but the performance remained the same.

My question is this:

What is your opinion of transmission flushes for these older MB auto trannies?

Chassis Model Number


1982 300D Hard Shifting and Flaring ??

I changed the transmission fluid and the filter 300 miles ago; lately, when I start driving, the car seems to stay in first gear too long and then suddenly jump into second gear; it makes the rear wheels chirp;
it then shifts quickly from third gear to fourth gear.

I am looking at the following:

1x 616 617 Diesel Transmission Vacuum Shift Valve Dashpot Upgrade $10.85
1x Diesel Automatic Transmission Peak Performance Tuning - NEW MANUAL RELEASE

Can you help?

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1977 240d - Help interpreting chain stretch

I had my valve cover off this weekend to adjust the valves. I decided to check the 'chain stretch' but am unsure of whether the pointer showing 5deg or 2deg. Also, I am unsure of what to do next, does the chain need to replaced (car has around 150k on it) or is this tolerable?

Here is a pic of the indicator on Flickr: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4018/4702434216_986910dcca_b.jpg


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