
1984 300D Turbo Interior Noise

I have a noise that sounds like an air leak in my interior/dash board. The noise is a squeeky loud air noise and happens when the car is moving more than 60 MPH, however if I let off the fuel pedal the noise will stop. It appears to be directly related to throttle position as the noise will get louder as I accelerate and will quiet down on deceleration and will dissapear altogether when just cruising below 60 MPH. Any idea what this is and how I can trouble shoot. Any help would be very much appreciated.

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1984 300D rear dash buckling

Hi all at Mercedessource and site users. I am in the process of elimating the leaks in my front and rear windshields. The leaks in the rear not only make my trunk smell musty but I think they may be the reason my rear dash has buckled on the side of the dash where the first aid kit sits. (I have nothing heavy in the first aid kit.) My question is; how does that rear dash come out? And if any one else has had this problem, what course of action did you take? Are there new dashes, or covers available like the front?

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84 300D Power Loss - IP or ?

'84 300D, 385K mi. WVO the past 25K mi. 5u final filtering (has a functioning boost pump). I slowly lost power over a 1K mi period. Did a valve adjust, fuel sys. complete flush-out, filter changes and new monak injectors. Checked for air leaks into fuel sys., none. Checked Turbo waste gate was opperation correctly, yes. Ran straight Dinodiesel the past 20Gal with a bottle in injector cleaner (for 50 gal.) Ran a qt of injector cleaner straight. (this isn't the diesel purge you have, but I just got some and haven't used it yet.) Cold Compression read, 400, 305, 400, 340, 380.

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83 300CD starter engaging problems

My Uncle is driving my 300CD out of town and he called asking if I've had a problem with turning the key and it not starting, which I haven't. The car has always started as long as it isn't in gear, which isn't his problem. He said that it would start sometimes on the first turn and some times it was taking multiple try's. Seems like it might be the ignition switch. Any suggestions on trouble shooting?

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84 300D a/c vents not working

My 1984 300 turbo d (new to me) blows cold air out of the wind shield defrost. Nothing out of the center vents and yes the're turned on. Is this a vacuum issue or a servo issue? In either case where do I look for vauum leak? I had the under the dash panel off and there are 2 (that I can see) pretty pink plastic things. Would those be the servos?
Any advise would be helpful

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1985 300D Turbo, CA mod. w/ trap oxidizer: vacuum line connection

After doing some engine work, I could not get the engine to shut off. I checked all the vacuum lines and connections, which were ok, including testing the fuel shutoff valve and checking the line to it for grease (none). From previous testing, I know that the vacuum pump works well. I thoroughly studied the "Vacuum System Troubleshooting" manual. I noticed that there is one black vacuum line which remains unconnected, the one with a damper from the vacuum transducer which supposedly goes to the automatic transmission vacuum modulator. When I plug this line with my finger, the engine stops.

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