
1982 300 cd Crank Pulley Failure Sheared Bolts

Lost power steering and thought that the belt had simply broken. Instead found that the belt had come off. In any event started the car again to a most annoying racket. Upon looking at the crank pulley assembly noticed that it was awry. Figured I would start by removing the belts and ordered a new set and the belt replacement sourcelet.

Chassis Model Number


1982 300d Window relay?

I am troubleshooting an intermitent power window issue. Replaced the window switch on the driver's side and seemed to solve the issue. Later all four windows did not work. Tested fuses in fuse box (OK), checked contacts at both driver and passenger switches. Is there a FUSE RELAY or other item I should check before tracing the entire wiring system? I am assuming that such a relay exists...
Many thanks. --- Chris Konik
** Using Mercedessource DTC SVO conversion for over three years, yeah!
-- Columbus, Ohio

Chassis Model Number


engine stumbles on acceleration Still 1983 300 CDTd

I noticed a slight "stumble"(for lack of a better word)when accelerating from a stop on slight inclines and by the end of the week it became worse doing it when accelerating from any incline and up into higher RPM. But I still had plenty of power. So I put in new Monark injectors, a valve job, new fuel filters and a Purge. Still have the stumble at lower RPM but has tons of power after the tun up. I have no problem hitting 80 at the end of the on ramp. Any idea's of where to look next? Could the fuel pump need something?

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