
84 300D Towed 2 miles - trans wont shift?

I just towed my 1984 300 Turbodiesel about 2 miles at 20 mph without the engine running - After I got the engine started again, the car would not shift into 2nd gear. Does it ruin a transmission to tow a model 123 without the engine running? It has been very cold out (7 degrees F) and perhaps something inside the transmission is stuck. Anybody with any ideas on what might be going on with this transmission after being towed for that distance and speed?

Chassis Model Number


1981 300SD Oil in alda line

I was troubleshooting my 300SD for low startup torque (I have already adjusted the valves, rebuilt the injectors, etc) then I went to the alda. I removed the banjo bolt from behind the turbo but it wasn't all that dirty. Then I removed the bolt from the side of my alda and engine oil started dripping out. I don't know much about this thing but I don't think this is right.

I saw one of these for sale on this site. Is this something a shadetree mechanic can change?

Chassis Model Number


1984 300D still very slow

I've followed along numerous posts on this subject and followed instructions where I could, but my car is still a DOG.

I have performed all of these fixes yet not realized much difference:
-Cleaned banjo bolt
-Replaced air/fuel filters (many times)
-StarBrite anti-fungus fuel additive
-Replaced some vacuum connectors (not the 3-ways, just the small pieces - I'm poor, but working on it)
-Replaced brake booster vacuum line - it had 2 broken nipples.
-Replaced vacuum switch levers (the two plastic things on top of the valve cover - whatever they're called)

Chassis Model Number

