Transmission Diagnosing, Adjusting and Fine Tuning Mercedes Automatic Transmissions You CAN do this yourself if you have the right information and equipment!
Transmission Automatic Transmission Erratic Shifts Proper diagnosis is priority one - then repair! DIY testing and repair kits available.
Transmission Component Failures Due to Lack of Lubrication You might be surprised at just how many problems and failures could be avoided with periodic and proper lubrication
Transmission Does Your Automatic Transmission Really Need Replacing? Be careful to not let someone sell you a rebuilt transmission!
Transmission Transmission Oil Leaks Some leaks are not difficult to fix. Others require removal of the transmission
Transmission Rattling or Loose Automatic Shifter Linkage New bushings will solve the problem and possibly prevent disaster
Transmission Installing New Seals in the Engine, Transmission or Rear End Care must be exercised to prevent damage or premature failure
Transmission Mercedes Automatic Transmission Won't Upshift PART 2 - Steps to Solving Shifting Problem
Transmission Diesel Automatic Transmission Oil Cooler Line Wear This can leave you stranded if not caught early enough
Transmission Repairing Leaking Transmission Cooler Metal Pipes on Older Diesels Often caused by loose fittings and engine vibration
Transmission Measuring Automatic Transmission Fluid Level Minor frustration for most of us who service our own transmissions
Transmission Filling an Automatic Transmission to the Correct Level A medium frustration for most of us who service our own transmissions
Transmission 1968 to 1981 Automatic Transmission Won't Go Into or Slips Badly in Reverse Yes, you are fortunate there is an adjustment!
Transmission Dealing with an Over Filled Automatic Transmission A major frustration for most of us who service our own transmissions
Transmission Reviving a High Mileage Automatic Transmission How to improve performance and prolong the life of a tired gas or diesel automatic transmission
Transmission How to Check the Fluid Level in Mercedes 722.6 "Sealed for Life" Transmission 1998 to 2006 W202 W203 W204 W210 W211 W220 and M Class
Transmission What's Wrong Help Needed - Quick Links to the Most Common Problems If you could just figure out what is wrong you know you could fix it!
Transmission 1998 to 2006 722.6 Automatic Transmission Shifting Problems If your transmission locks up in 2nd gear and won't shift there is hope!
Transmission Broken or Leaking Transmission Bowden Shift Control Cable Both problems require removal and it can be a little "tricky"
Transmission Manual Transmission Shift Linkage Binding The transmission will bind or won't shift if worn bushings are out of adjustment
Transmission What To Use in Place of Dexron III Automatic Transmission Fluid? Watch the video and Kent will explain his recommendations.
Transmission How do I inspect the transmission and related components on an Old Benz Get a good light and get under the car.
Transmission Checking Automatic Transmission Fluid Level There is a proper way to do this to determine proper level inside transmission
Transmission How Can I Possibly Replace my Shift Bushing by Myself? Try all you can. It's almost impossible without this special tool!
Transmission Isolating and Repairing Diesel Engine Fluid Leaks Find the actual source of the leak before jumping to conclusions