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On Demand Video

1982 to 1991 107 123 126 Mono Valve Repair Kit Installation - On Demand Video

Easy DIY job to fix the most common problem with erratic cabin heat inside your old Benz.

Learn how to install this critical repair kit correctly and how to test your monovalve function on the bench. In this 13-minute video, Kent shares how to install the kit while avoiding problems. Get your cabin heat working properly again!

On Demand Video

1965 to 1976 Trunk Seal Replacement Instructions - On Demand Video

Covers W110, W111, W113, W108, W109, W114 and W115

Kent walks you through replacing a trunk seal on a 1970 280SL. The video is 13 minutes long and covers removing the old seal, cleaning the groove, trial fitting the new seal, and the final gluing procedure.

On Demand Video

R107 W126 W123 W126 Trunk Seal Replacement Instructions - On Demand Video

Kent shares his tips and tricks on how to do it right!

In this 19-minute detail instructions, Kent will show you how to get the old seal out, how to trial fit the new seal, and how to glue it in place properly. You can not believe how many seals we see that have not been installed properly.

On Demand Video

How to Do Kent's Auto Transmission Power Drain Procedure - On Demand Video

This is not a "flush." This is the best way to drain all the fluid out without the potential bad side effects of a power flush.

In this detailed 22-minute video instruction, Kent will show you how to use his kit to perform a power drain on most 1965 to 1995 automatic transmission.

On Demand Video

How to Remove and Install a Bowden Cable from the Transmission - On Demand Video.

Very difficult without Kent's special tool if you don't want to break it.

In this 15-minute video, Kent will show you step-by-step how to safely remove the Bowden cable without damaging it and how to install it to get the proper connection. This is not as easy as it looks, and you can break it if you are not careful.

On Demand Video

How to Clean and Flow Test Your Old Gas or Diesel Injection Pump - On Demand Video

For old 1950 to 1985 Fuel Injected engines that have sat around and not run for years!

In this 9-minute instructional video, Kent explains how to set up his injection pump cleaning and testing kit ( available separately ), and use it to clean out old fuel injection pumps of gum and grime, and then how to test them to make sure they are delivery fuel through every line. 

On Demand Video

How to Change 420 560 V/8 Engine V-belts

To prevent damage to the engine accessories and to tighten the belts properly you have to know what you are doing!

in this detailed 38-minute video Kent will walk you step-by-step through the procedures of removing the old belts, installing the new belts, and tightening them properly. When changing your V-belts there are other things you should consider replacing as well.

On Demand Video

1965 to 1991 Sedans and Wagons Plastic Door Liner Replacement Instructions - On Demand Video

Covers plastic sheet replacement only. Does NOT cover removing or replacing the door panel itself.

In this 17-minute video instruction, Kent walks you through the steps to install his door liner kit using thick, clear, and high-quality plastic sheets on both front and rear doors. A W123 sedan is shown here, but the principles are similar for other chassis. 

On Demand Video

Fixing 1981 to 1984 Turbo Diesel Auto Transmission Pesky Leaks - On Demand Video

Applies to W123 and W126 turbo 300D, 300CD, 300TD and 300SD

These transmissions are now 40+ years old, and with age comes hardened o-rings and seals, leading to what I call "pesky" leaks. They are not bad enough to flow on the ground, but they do leave wetness around the transmission and drips on the garage floor.

On Demand Video

Early R230 ABC Conversion: Modifications, Upgrades, and Adjustments - On Demand Video

Part 3: Dealing with the red warning light, accessing top of rear struts, choosing tires, replacing the big pump, on-road ride adjustments

This is part 3 of a three-part series on converting your 2003 to 2006 SL500 to coil-over shock absorbers. It is 27 minutes in length. The complete series is 1 hour and 27 minutes and was too long to upload as one video.

On Demand Video

1977 TO 1985 Diesel Oil Cooler Thermostat Replacement Instructions - On Demand Video

You may not even know that this thermostat exists, and most have failed or are failing!

This will be instructional information that you can not find anywhere else! The focus of the 25-minute video will be on removing and replacing the oil cooler thermostat once the oil filter housing is removed for a 1977 to 1985 engine ( excluding the 190D).

On Demand Video

Oil Cooler Thermostat Removal and Testing - On Demand Video

We would speculate that well over half of these oil cooler thermostats are no longer working on these old 77 to 85 Diesel engines, but it is possible to test them in a carefully controlled environment.

Want to find out if your oil cooler thermostat is working correctly? In this 22-minute video, Kent will take you through a test sequence that you can perform in your garage. Please note that this video DOES NOT include details of removing or replacing the oil filter housing.

On Demand Video

The Miracle of an Infrared Magnetic Heater to Remove Frozen Fasteners - on demand video

Kent is amazed at how well this heater works. He will also show you another method of using high vibration to free a nut or bolt.

In this video, Kent will show you how he used this unique heater to remove a stuck oil cooler hose fitting. It had to get really hot, and using a propane torch in this area would not have been a good idea.

On Demand Video

How to Properly Test a Battery to Determine its True Health - On Demand Video

A volt meter test may only fool you into thinking your battery is ok. But a real test with a good battery meter let you know what is going on inside the battery.

In this 5-minute video, Kent will show you how to use our digital battery meter to determine the health of your battery. He will also show you why you can not rely on a volt meter to give you anything helpful other than the "surface voltage."

On Demand Video

722.9 Transmission Limp Home Mode: How to Determine if The Problem is Inside the Transmission

It is possible to fix this problem yourself and save $3000+ dollars from having the dealer replace and reprogram. But first you want to make sure its the transmission!!!

If you own an older Mercedes with the 7-speed 722.9 transmission and the car has over 120,000 miles, the day may come when the transmission will suddenly not shift or not shift past 2nd gear. This is more likely to happen if the transmission has no fluid and filter changes every 40,000.

On Demand Video

722.9 7G Transmission: Valve Body and Conductor Plate Removal and Replacement

The video will only cost $10 but you could save $ hundreds and much grief by watching this video. This will help in dealing with fixing a limp-home mode problem.

Removing the valve body is not difficult, but it is fraught with risk. It is easy to damage the conductor plate if not removed properly, and that can be a very expensive mistake.

On Demand Video

722.9 7G Transmission: Cleaning the Valve Body and Conductor Plate

The video will only cost $10, but you could save $ hundreds and much grief by watching this video. This can help you fix a limp-home mode pprobem

If you are planning to remove your 722.9 conductor plate for inspection or repair, you will want to take the time to thoroughly clean the plate, the valve body, and the solenoids. No cleaning agents or foreign chemicals should be used.

On Demand Video

How to Repair Old Mercedes Diesel Broken Vacuum Booster Line T Fittings

Part of Kent's $2 tip video collection. The tip will only cost $2 but you could save considerable money and grief by watching this video.

Here is an easy DIY tip to repair a broken vacuum hose nipple on your main vacuum line running from the vacuum pump to the brake booster on the older diesel engines. $2TIP

On Demand Video

How to Adjust That Troublesome Little Screw on you 1976 to 1993 C.I.S. Fuel Injected Engine That Won't Run or Run Right

Part of Kent's $8 troubleshooting and repair video collection. The video will only cost $8 but you could save $ hundreds and much grief by watching this video.

This video applies to both K-jetronic and KE-jetronic fuel injection engines on Mercedes from 1976 to 1993.. Let's say you just acquired an old gas engined  Mercedes and you just can not get it to run right and or even get it to start.

On Demand Video

The Secret to Polishing Plastic Head Light Covers for Max Clarity

Part of Kent's $2 tip video collection. This tip will only cost $2 but you could save considerable money and grief by watching this video.

In this xx-minute maintenance tip video Kent will show you his secrets to getting the best long-lasting results when trying the polish the yellowing coltor out of your old plastic headlight covers. As will many things it is all in the prep. $2TIP

On Demand Video

Early 722.9 Upgrade Kit Instructions - On Demand Video

The VERY best thing you can do for your 2003 to mid 2010 7 speed transmission!

This is absolutely the best thing you can do for your older 2003 to mid-2010 Mercedes 7-speed transmission. In this 19-minute video, Kent will show you what is required to purchase and install to make this upgrade on an early 722.9 transmission. Yes, it is something you can do yourself!

On Demand Video

M112 V6 M113 V8 How to Fix Common Valve Cover Oil Leaks - On Demand Video

You SHOULD do this yourself. It is the only way you will know it is done RIGHT!

WHY does Kent stress doing this yourself - because my shops do not take the time to thoroughly clean and prep the covers for the proper sealant, or they do not use the proper sealant or use quality gaskets, or torque the bolts properly.

On Demand Video

1998 to 2006 Engine Mount Replacement - On Demand Video

For M112 and M113 engines. Does not cover the small details on all models. Does not cover the struggle you will face if you have a 4-Matic

In this 13-and-a-half-minute instruction video, Kent will show you the critical steps in removing and replacing the motor mounts in a W211 E500. The key steps will apply to all M112 and M113 engines, although specific details are not covered for every model.

On Demand Video

M112 V6 M113 V8 Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement - On Demand Video

Includes instructions on replacing the two critical seals on the lower plastic intake elbow.

This can be a frustrating job if you do not know how the fasteners work or the correct sequence when replacing the sensor. In this 15-minute video, Kent will walk you through the R and R procedure step-by-step and will use the camera to show close-ups on how everything goes back together.

On Demand Video

Installing an M112 V6 M113 V8 Power Steering ADD-ON Magnetic Inline Filter - On Demand Video

Easy DIY job. Great protection for your power steering. Full video Instructions included.

This is a 5-minute instructional video to show you how to attach an inline magnetic filter to your power steering system. Great protection and easy to do. You will lose some fluid unless you pinch off the hoses before cutting out a section to install the filter.

On Demand Video

R230 SL500 ABC Coil Over Conversion Power Steering Reservoir Tank Install - On Demand Video

Remove the big tandem pump - install a standard PS pump in its place - Then you can install a standard Reservoir / Filter Fluid Tank - So Clean Looking!

In this 13-minute instructional video Kent will walk you through the steps of installing a standard (non-ABC) fluid reservoir tank on a standard (non-ABC) power steering pump if you choose to remove the original tandem pump.

On Demand Video

R230 SL500 ABC Pump Removal and Standard Pump Install - On Demand Video

Get rid of the old ABC pump when you convert to coil overs. If you don't, you will have more headaches and worry in the future.

In this 7.5-minute video, Kent will share some tips on getting to the bolts and nuts, removing the old ABC pump, and fitting in a standard M113 power steering pump.

On Demand Video

R230 SL500 Rear Strut Easy Access in Trunk Instructions - On Demand Video

Don't want to take all your trunk carpets out just to get to the top of the rear struts. In this video Kent will show you how!

In this 6+ minute video, Kent will demonstrate how to locate and cut out 3-inch (approx.) holes in your trunk carpet to allow you to remove the bolts and the wire attached to the top of your ABC strut. Then you can replace it or install coil-over shocks in their place.

On Demand Video

How to Remove the SLS Hydraulic Pump Center Section - On Demand Video

New procedure 5/8/23 with a revised tool. This is an addendum to the full pump reseal instructions.

This is a short addendum to the full instructions on resealing an SLS hydraulic pump. This will now be included with the reseal kit. Disregard the old method mentioned elsewhere

On Demand Video

M112 M113 M272 M273 Power Steering Squeal Delete Procedure - On Demand Video

The irritating noise can occur when you run low on fluid, flush the system with new fluid, or install a new power steering pump

In this 6-minute instructional video Kent will show you how fully bleed the air out of the power steering system on V6 and V8 engines from 1998 to 2012.  This will get rid of that annoying squeal when you turn the wheel. This happens after doing a flush or replacing a power steering pump.

On Demand Video

Replacing the W123 Turbo Diesel Firewall Mount Throttle Bushing - On Demand Video

This is an easy DIY job. Full video instructions here. You might want to inspect your throttle linkage today

In this 13-minute instructional video, Kent will walk you through the steps of inspecting and replacing the round throttle shaft bushing in your W123 turbo 300D, 300CD, or 300TD. Watch the YouTube video below for an introduction.

On Demand Video

How to Test the EHA Valve on Bosch KE-Jetronic Fuel Injected Engines - On Demand Video

Factory training manual procedure followed step-by-step. You will be surprised by what Kent found on this 560SL engine.

In this 13-minute CIS training video, Kent will walk you through the steps recommended by Mercedes Benz to fully test the operation of the EHA valve on 1984 to 1993 4, 6, and 8-cylinder engines with KE-jetronic fuel injection.

On Demand Video

M112 and M113 Power Steering 40K Service Instructions - On Demand Video

Complete video guide on changing the power steering filter and flushing out the old fluid with new correct green fluid on most V6 and V8 engines from 2000 to 2006

In this 24-minute instructional video, Kent will walk you through removing your old fluid and reservoir tank on top of the power steering pump, installing the new tank, and flushing the system with new fluid. This is a service you can indeed do yourself in your garage. 

On Demand Video

Bosch CIS Training Series 6: Finding Follow-up Information to Help Interpret Test Results

For 1976 to 1993 Mercedes with gasoline fuel injected 4, 6, and 8-cylinder engines

After completing the pressure test on your CIS engine, you discover a problem. But how can you find out how to isolate and fix it? This is going to require some research on your part. Start by learning how the system works and how each component plays a part.

On Demand Video

Bosch CIS Training Series 5: How to Hook Up and Test KE-Jetronic Fuel Pressure

For 1976 to 1993 Mercedes with gasoline fuel injected 4, 6, and 8-cylinder engines

In this video, you will see how the gauges are hooked up to a 560SL and how the pressures are read.  The length of this 30-minute shows the detail Kent has put into filming all the critical components of doing a KE-Jetronic fuel system pressure test.

On Demand Video

Bosch CIS Training Series 4: How to Hook Up and Test K-Jetronic Fuel Pressure

For 1976 to 1993 Mercedes with gasoline fuel injected 4, 6, and 8-cylinder engines

This video is specific to K- jetronic fuel-injected engines from 1976 to 1985. This includes the 350, 450, and 280 engines in the R107, W116, W123, and early W126 gas Mercedes. In this 29-minute video. Kent will show you how to hook up the gauge, run the fuel pumps, and complete the test.

On Demand Video

Bosch CIS Training Series 3: How to Do Preliminary Fuel Flow and FD Leak Tests

For 1976 to 1993 Mercedes with gasoline fuel injected 4, 6, and 8-cylinder engines

There are a few factory recommend procedures and tests you should do before you do an actual pressure test on a CIS fuel-injected engine. In this 20-minute training video, Kent will walk you through these procedures step-by-step.

On Demand Video

Bosch CIS Training Series 2: Options to Get Fuel Pumps to Run with Engine Off

For 1976 to 1993 Mercedes with gasoline fuel injected 4, 6, and 8-cylinder engines

To do proper system testing on CIS fuel injection, you must find a way to get the fuel pump or fuel pumps to run continuously without the engine running. This can not be done by just using the ignition key. In this 15-minute training video, Kent will show the options available to do this.
