1988 300E Battery Drain
My car which went from no start to running great for a month after I put in your Ultimate Tune Up Kit has suddenly been experiencing a dead battery. I installed a new battery when happened but the first morning the new battery was dead. I checked the forum and found and followed directions for trouble shooting an 84 300SD battery drain. I recharged the battery, disconnected the battery ground cable and put a test light between the ground cable and the battery negative terminal. The light lit brightly indicating a current drain. I disconnected the alternator plug and again the light lit.
Chassis Model Number
All Models Brake Master Cylinder Reservoir Protective cap
6 Cyl 603 DIY Fuel Injector Rebuild Kit
87 300d bad cruise actuator
I have narrowed the cause of my non-functioning cruise control to the actuator.
I've read that they can be repairable. But I can't find the specifics about it.
It seems the potentiometer part of it isn't working, so to my mind it sounds like posibly a good cleaning maybe will do the trick. I don't know.
I haven't taken it off the car yet.
Thanks in advance.
Chassis Model Number
87 300D Cruise Control
My 87 300D has a cruise control with a mind of it's own. Sometimes it works, most of the time just intermittently. I am wondering if anyone knows of a kit to fix, and including instructions for swapping out?
Thanks so much,