
1982 300TD Weird compression test results

Checked compression with engine cold one year ago. For this test I started at the front and went straight down the line to the back. Results were 370 - 370 - 370 - 290 - 330. Today I tested the engine warmed up and instead of going down the line I tested each cylinder in firing order. For this test the results were 310 - 310 - 310 - 220- 310.

Chassis Model Number


1977 280e Poor running performance

I have 1977 280e fuel injected gas engine. After many trials I have gotten it to the point that it will start and run...roughly. It back fires through the through the air cleaner when the throttle is stepped on. I have checked and the plug wiring is correct. If you slightly open the choke plate the engine evens out and runs smooth but still backfires when the throttle is cracked. I am thinking a possible vacuum problem exists although the power brakes seem to be great. Any thoughts would be great.

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