1982 300TD Weird compression test results
Checked compression with engine cold one year ago. For this test I started at the front and went straight down the line to the back. Results were 370 - 370 - 370 - 290 - 330. Today I tested the engine warmed up and instead of going down the line I tested each cylinder in firing order. For this test the results were 310 - 310 - 310 - 220- 310.
Chassis Model Number
1983 300D Turbodiesel - Diesel Purge Cleaning
Good morning:
On a 1983 300D turbodiesel (W123), is it better to perform a valve adjustment before or after an engine diesel purge?
Thanks for your help.
Chassis Model Number
'83 300D Cylinder Head Overhaul
I just got an email from Kaia telling me I should direct my question/request to you on the forum.
Chassis Model Number
Easy way to Drain Coolant from the Radiator
116 123 126 201 Chassis Hydraulic Suspension SLS Pump Resealing Kit
Electric wrap heater for filter
Any idea how hot this mite turn the filter onto. I was looking to purchase the old style copper wrap but I was informed they are no longer available.
Chassis Model Number
123 Chassis Intake Air Vent Grill Square Retainer Clip Set ( 8 total )
1977 123 compressor and blower fuse
I am having a problem with the compressor and blower moter fuses. When I replace the white 8A compressor fuse it blows immediately up turning the ignition to on. The heater blower fuse blows also but it takes a little longer. Any ideas?
Chassis Model Number
1977 280e Poor running performance
I have 1977 280e fuel injected gas engine. After many trials I have gotten it to the point that it will start and run...roughly. It back fires through the through the air cleaner when the throttle is stepped on. I have checked and the plug wiring is correct. If you slightly open the choke plate the engine evens out and runs smooth but still backfires when the throttle is cracked. I am thinking a possible vacuum problem exists although the power brakes seem to be great. Any thoughts would be great.