
1984 300D turbo cabin heat inconsistent

Hi all and thanks to Mercedessource for all the help getting "Old Yella" back to nearly original shape. My question concerns the heat in my old girl. I replaced the monovalve some time ago and it had the typical tear in the rubber portion of the valve. The replacement gave me heat, though intermitently. Now the heat will roast you but if I am on the road a while it will subside and eventually I will feel cool air coming out of the vents. Then the heat will come back and the cycle starts over again. Roast then cool.

Chassis Model Number


82 240d compression test results

Just completed a compression check on my high mileage 240d.
#1 120/200
#2 180/320
#3 190/340
#4 180/320

Number one is not looking so great. The test was completed with the engine cold. I did try adding oil and the change was marginal 130/220 on number one.
The engine runs smooth with little smoke at start up. What my next step? Pull the head and have a look at the valves?
Thanks for your imput.
The compression tester and booklet were excellent.

Chassis Model Number


1979 300d Turn Signal Relay

Hey everyone,
I cannot for the life of me find the turn signal relay on my 1979 300D. My left signal flashes twice as fast as the right one and the bulb in front is very weak while the rear one is bright. Both bulbs are brand new and all the connections look good. I also replaced the hazard button on the console and the problem remains.
I have the new turn signal relay from mercedessource but I can't find where it goes. It definitely doesn't go under the console like some of the posts I've read and it doesn't seem to be anywhere under the drivers side dash. I traced the wiring from the steering column to one relay but its a much larger 8 or 9 pin and that seems to be the only relay under there that the turn signal wiring goes through.

Chassis Model Number


1985 300td Ball Joint Replacement

diy ball joint replacement - 1985 300td Sedan

Currently squeeks like an old couch! Just embracing the diy arena after the local mechanic quoted 3.1 hours labor for each joint (it it true???) Have ordered replacement ball joints. Any helpful hints or how to is appreciated - have searched the site. Your input is valuable - is this doable for the novice, novice, first timer?

Chassis Model Number


82 300d Monark fuel primer confusion


I am again successfully confused by the website, so need to be unconfused once more:

On your website under the item "Heavy Duty Monark Ultimate Hand Primer Pump" I have read the following sentence: <...works great with SVO WVO fuels> therefore I bought the pump.

Then once I received it, the instruction booklet that came with it said: <...Its only disadvantage, it will not work well with bio-diesel and it may not work at all with waste vegetable oil SVO/WVO...>> but the problem, that is what I want to use with eventually.

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