
1985 300D Turbo noise whining

Kent, thanks a lot for all the manuals and advice you've handed out. We now have 3 300d's that run well and were broken or barely ran when we bought them.
Now to the annoying stuff...there's a noise my '85 300d is
making. It wines, especially before it's warmed up all the way, when I'm
going less than about 45mph and loudest at around 35mph sustained speed. It
also will go away entirely if I stomp on the gas and when the car shifts
and the rpm's change which makes me think it has something to do with the

Chassis Model Number


1977 W123 dash lights not working

My dash/center IP lights don't work. I already tried replacing the dimmer switch and that didn't help. I replaced the headlight switch when I first got the car so it might have something to do with that since the replacement one was not exactly like the one I replaced. I've also checked all the fuses in the fuse box and replaced the bulbs with ones that were tested. All the warning/turn signal lights work, just not the ones that light up the dash/trans/etc.

Chassis Model Number


Walbro WVO boost pump location ('82 300D)

I was wondering... Is there any big reason the Walbro boost pump for WVO available on this site [http://www.mercedessource.com/node/2133] couldn't be mounted in the engine compartment, perhaps on the driver's side inner fender for easy maintenance access since there's room there? This car is my 1982 300D. I was thinking about setting it up there on the inner fender, with the easier access afforded, to pull the veggie fuel right out of the hardline as it comes fore and send it on its boosted way to the heated filter (a Vormax unit I scored used out of a wreck for insanely cheap).

Chassis Model Number


300D Replacement Axle Spacers

Do the replacement axles, the can style, include the spacers between them and the differential? I asked a while ago about having on spline stlye and one can style, and you said it probably wasn't harming too much. Now I have the money and would like to replace both axles, but to make the wrong (which I didnt know at the time) stlyle axle fit, I had to remove the spacer. I'm dead in the water if I remove the rear end and find out the axle doesn't fit due to a missing spacer.

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