
'80 Wagon self leveling suspension question


I can hear some clunking with riding over bumps in the road. I read
Kent's SLS troubleshooting guide for some tips. All of the following
checked out: no leaks, fluid level good, pump working, sway bar links tight,
pulled an accumulator and seal good.

What isn't working is the manual operation of the leveling valve. I can
also see some cracks in the differential mount. The valve was replaced
1-2 yrs ago. I have a new mount, but stopped upon finding the valve was not
responding to manual operation. Any ideas/suggestion?

Chassis Model Number


Rough idle after warm up 1985 300D

I bought this car Nov 2004 and it had a rough idle when warmed up. In an effort to solve this I set the valves, replaced the injectors with rebuilt ones. No help. Meanwhile, and for other reasons, I installed a rebuilt engine Jul 2006. By Sep 2006 it too was idling rough after warm up.
Once again I verified valve settings and replaced the injectors with rebuilt units. I also replaced and adjusted the damper bolt, replaced the the motor mounts, transmission mounts and the engine shocks. No help.
In Jun 2007 I went all out and put in a dealer supplied rebuilt injection pump. No help.

Chassis Model Number


Diesel Fuel Lubricity

I just bought my first Mercedes a week ago. I have seen and heard quite a bit of discussion about the diesel fuel lubricity of the new low sulphur fuels. Naturally, opinions I have found seem to range from "Hey, it's no big deal", to predictions of doom within the next 12.5 minutes, none of which site any decent sources for their information. The standards of fuel production specify lubricity, but there seems to be some scepticism about how closely the refiners and distributors are adhering to those standards, and for that matter, whether the standards meet the needs of diesel engines.

Chassis Model Number

