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On Demand Video

Door Hinge and Latch Lubrication Procedures - On Demand Video

With the right grease gun and lubricants you can make your doors close oh so smoothly!

Door hinge lubrication has to be one of the most neglected maintenance items on the older models. I think part of the problem stems from the fact owners don't know how to do it or don't know how to acquire the proper grease gun to lubricate those special fittings on the door hinges.


W201 W124 Front Shock Strut Top Nut Special Wrench

Also works on R129 convertibles

When replacing the front struts ( shock absorbers ) on a W201 W124 or some W129 chassis it is frustrating and time-consuming trying to remove and replace the big 22 mm top nut on the front struts ( shocks ).


Windshield Washer Squirt Nozzle Cleaning and Adjusting Tools

2 wire tool set - One to clean and one to adjust - watch video below for details

Are you tired of windshield washers sprayers that done spray straight or don't spray at all. If you can hear the pump running but no fluid is coming out the nozzles it could be the nozzle holes are plugged with dirt.


Diesel Fuel Injector Return Fuel Hose AND Brake Pad Service Tool

Easy way to remove and reinstall that hard to reach small injector fuel return hose and vacuum hose - AND works on brake pads too!!!

While working on the fuel injectors of a 240D this week, Kent finally decided he had had enough. After 20 years of fighting those fuel injector return hoses he decided he just had to come up with a tool to make the job easier. 2 hours later the tool was designed and the prototype made.


1/4 Inch Drive Beam Type Super Low Torque Wrench

Very accurate for low torque settings - 0 to 9 Newton Meters or 0 - 80 inch pounds

If you are tired of "guessing" on those critical low torque settings maybe it is time to get a small torque wrench. This is the one Kent likes for super low torque settings up. It is quality made and will not cost you an arm and a leg. You can even calibrate it yourself!

On Demand Video

How to Use Kent's New Instrument Cluster Removal Tools - On Demand Video

Tips and tricks to get those stubborn clusters out of the dash

This video is free with the purchase of Kent's new dash cluster pull tool set. If you just want to see how he uses the tools and some tricks to get difficult clusters out you are welcome to purchase this video separately.  Approximate run time is 20 minutes.


R107 W116 W123 W126 W201 W124 R129 W140 Instrument Cluster Removal Tools

With Free Video Instructions - For most models from 1972 to 1999

Removing a Mercedes instrument cluster from any of the chassis listed is easy with these special "pull" tools. Many owners do not realize that the instrument cluster is just pushed into the dash panel and not held in with any bolts or screws.


Custom Made Large Angled Head Clamping Tool

Multiple uses for hose removal, assembly, and holding parts safely for cleaning and polishing.

This is one of Kent's favorite tools around his shop. It is used almost daily. The tool rose out of a need to be able to safely hold fuel inectors while cleaning when with a large high speed wire wheel. No tool like this is availabe so it had to be built in our shop!


1960'S Through Mid 1970's Fuel Tank Filter Screen Removal Tool

For W110 W111 W112 W113 W108 W109 W114 and W115 chassis as well as W123 station wagon only

Most owners do not have a big enough hex wrench to remove the fuel tank screen on those models that had the fuel tank right under the rear trunk floor. But the screen does need to be removed, inspected and cleaned due to the age of these cars.


Frozen Brake Caliper Piston Removal Pump Adapter Hose

Only works with Mercedessource Injector Pressure Tester - FREE VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS

This is a must-have if you attempting a caliper rebuild on one with stuck pistons. If you own one of our injector pressure testers here is a great add-on that will allow you to use the tester to remove stuck pistons from old brake calipers.

On Demand Video
Mercedes Brake Caliper Removal - On Demand Video

Brake Caliper Rebuilding Part 1: How to Remove Frozen Pistons From Brake Calipers - On Demand Video

Part 1 of 3 Parts: For Mercedes brake calipers from the early 1960's to the late 1990's

You can save a lot of money if you can rebuild your old brake calipers, especially on some older models. If you can just get the pistons out of the housings, most calipers are rebuildable, unless they have been subject to road salt or have sat exposed to the weather for years without use.


1995 E300 Diesel Glow Plug Set

1995 YEAR ONLY!!!! Totally different and expensive plug.

6 high quality Bosch glow plugs ONLY.

These engines are know to seize glow plugs in the head. Always use correct anti-seize compound on the threads only when installing.

 To see Kent's video on the problem of removing a stuck glow plug CLICK HERE.

Currently out of stock.

24" Measuring Machinist Straight Edge with Protective Sleeve

A must have when working on engines.

When working on automotive engines a long heavy machinist straight edge is a must. This is the best way to tell if the mating surfaces are flat and true. That includes cylinder heads, engine blocks, intake and exhaust manifolds as well as critical sealing metal to metal covers and housings. 


W123 W126 Glove Box Hinge Adjustment and Removal Tool

Now removal of that difficult round slotted nut has never been easier - plus it pops the clips out.

Any of us who have owned a 1977 to 1985 Mercedes W123 for any length of time have probably had to deal with the glove box door at some point. The hardest part is loosening and removing that weird little round slotted nut on the two hinge points.


CIS Gas Fuel Injector Spray Pattern Tester and Nozzle Cleaner

NEW VERSION 3 release.. See application notes below:

Works on all models from 1977 to 1993 with the Bosch C.I.S Fuel Injection system - see models listed below: Now you can do it yourself on the bench with this inexpensive tester- Save big $$.  Ever wonder how well your old CIS fuel injectors are working?


HD Diesel Engine Glow Plug Circuit Tester

Every diesel owner should have one of these in the trunk to quickly test glow plug functions

A 12 volt test light is a very handy tool to have when working on any car but it is particularly important if you have a old diesel. This tool will allow you to quickly determine if there is power getting to your glow plugs, and if not where the power is breaking down.


116 123 126 Chassis Fuel Tank Outlet Screen Removal Socket

WORKS ON FUEL TANK SENDING UNITS TOO! Machined short for easier access and a sharper edge for better grip.

FITS all 116 123 Diesel and Gasoline,  and 126 chassis from 1977 to 1985. Finally a socket to remove your fuel tank screen that really works. Most correct size sockets tend to be SO BIG that they require 3/4 inch drive ratchets and extensions to use them. Who has those in their tool box??


Missing Wrenches When Doing Suspension Work on 2003 to 2015 Mercedes.

I guarantee if you do any brake, shock, strut, or control arm replacement you will wish you had the wrenches. Kent speaks from experinence!

Many tool sets do not even have a 16mm or 18mm combination wrench, let alone ones that have a ratcheting box end. Mercedes never used 16mm or 18mm fasteners up until the late 1990's. Now they are everywhere - especially under the car.


Heavy Duty 11 Inch Long Tapered Punch - U.S.A.

1/4 inch end - Great for suspension work - aligning control arms and bushings for inserting bolts easily.

BIG punch. Must have for the DIY mechanic. Good for driving and good for aligning holes.

Very handle for alighning shocks and other suspension parts during assembly.


W220 W221 Airmatic Special Tool: Rear Strut Top Fitting Removal

This tool will put a smile on your face if you are changing or chasing leaks in your rear airmatic struts

On 2000 to 2013 S Class sedans with airmatic suspension, getting to the top fitting on the rear strut under the panel below the rear glass can be a real pain. It is so tight in there you can hardly see what you are doing.


2000 to 2013 Airmatic Strut and Component Slow Leak Tester

This can save you a lot of time and money. Don't throw expensive parts at your airmatic Benz until you accurately diagnose the leak.

If you have a VERY slow leak in your Airmatic Mercedes, trying to find it can be very frustrating. It could be in the valve block, one of the lines, or the Airmatic strut itself. Small leaks in the strut can be the hardest to find if you cannot hear it.


Remote Starter Switch

Use it to test the starter function and to rotate the engine while working under the hood

This simple push-button switch with clip leads can be used on both gas and diesel engines. If you are not sure why your engine does not turn over when you turn the key , it can be used to test if your starter motor is working before looking into the ignition switch or neutral safety switch.


Kent's Emergency Door Striker Bolt Removal Tool Kit w/ Video Instructions

These old hex head bolts are weak and the heads round out. Tools for two methods of last-ditch removal.

You will receive two specialty drill bits and a modified star socket, along with very detailed video instructions on how to use these tools to remove a damaged head hex bolt without damaging the door frame or the old striker.


1986 to 2015 REAR Control Arm to Knuckle Ball Joint Bushing Installation Tool - Version 3

Designed by Kent. Best way to replace that "hidden" ball joint bushing in multi-link rear suspension without the need to remove the control arm from the car. Fits MOST BUT NOT ALL. See list below.

You will need to loosen the bottom of the rear shock, disconnect the control arm from the outer knuckle, loosen the inside arm bolts, and drop the end of the control arm down. Kent designed this tool to make it easy for the DIY mechanic to do this job without having to take it into the shop.


Super Sharp and Fine Tip Cutter for Plastic, Rubber, Copper and Aluminum.

You will love this tool. It even cuts through heavy carpet!

These quality 6.5 inch wire cutters are made of special steel, the blades are high-frequency hardened steel. Suitable for cutting soft copper wire, plastic wire, small cable, aluminum wire, soft alloy wire, jewelry making, multifunctional manual edge banding pliers.


Metric Odd Ball Wrench Set - 16mm and 18mm

Missing in many tool sets - but you may need these on the newer models.

It seems like you never needed a 16mm or 18mm wrench or socket until 1996.  After the intro of the W210 things changed. This set of 3 quality U.S. made tools consists of an 18mm stubby combo, an 18mm deep 3/8 drive socket, and a 16mm short 3/8 drive socket.



Small Universal 4" 2 Jaw Puller

CLEARANCE: Can be used to "pull" various small parts off shafts, etc. Not big enough to use on gas or Diesel engine front seal races.

This the exact puller you will receive. Handy for small jobs.


1981 to 1985 722.3 Turbo Diesel Transmission Bowden Cable Removable Tool

Revised version - now a modified vise grip for stronger hold and easier adjustment. It can be used to remove stubborn fuel hoses as well.

Also works on 380SL and 560SL transmissions. Before you think you can easily remove the Bowden cable from the transmission, watch the video below.


2000 to 2006 ABC Rear Control Arm Removal Custom Tool Set

As shown in Kent's videos on replacing the rear strut and/or outer control arm bushings in an ABC SL500

Anytime you need to replace your rear shocks/struts, you must drop the rear control arm. If you are doing other rear suspension work, you may need to drop it as well. Kent came up with this tool kit when he was converting his SL500 to conventional coil-over shock absorbers.


Emergency W123 and Early W126 Diesel Motor Mount Bolt Removal Tool

If you "round out" the hex hole in the main engine mount bolt this is the easiest and fastest way to get the damaged bolt out.

You must drive this star bit into the head of the damaged bolt with a hammer, but it will hold. The bolt will then need to be replaced. Watch the video below as Kent will explain how it works.

For mount kits and hardware, see related products below.


12mm Special Short Crow Foot Wrench For W116 W123 Diesel Oil Pressure Line

Removes the oil pressure line at the oil cooler housing to prevent rounding out the nut. Can be used underneath the car.

Getting that oil pressure line off the bottom of the oil filter housing on the 1977 to 1985 240D, 300D, 300TD, 300CD, and W116 300SD is tough. If you break the line or damage the nut, this part is no longer available new.


Magnetic Induction Heater 110v 1Kw w/ Three Coils Included to Attack Stuck Fasteners

If you want miracles to happen with frozen rusty nuts and bolts, this will amaze you. Safe, quick, and very high heat to loosen the offering fastener.

Kent was a little skeptical when you first used this—it sounded like it would be too good to be true. The first use was getting some rusty bolts off the Garrett T3 turbine housing ( some of you know the pain there!). Well, it worked, and it worked very well.


Tall Shoulder Inside Short 13 mm 12 Point 3/8 in Drive Sockets x 2

Who doesn't need an extra 13 mm? Quality U.S.A. made. You will love the tall internal shoulders for ease of use.

Nice to have a few extra 13mm sockets around. This is the first tool that gets lost when working on old Mercedes. The tall shoulder inside helps to hold the nut or bolt in a position to make it easier to start the threads.


Here it is! Your Missing 16mm and 18mm Sockets and Wrenches

These sizes are missing in most tool sets but are needed when working on newer models. See list below

It is really frustrating when you doing a job on your Benz and find it needs a 16mm or 18mm tool and you don't have it. Most of the older sets of wrenches and sockets did not include these two sizes. Just before and after 2000 Mercedes started using more of these size nuts and bolts.


722.9 Transmission Fluid Fill and Power Drain Service Kit

Pressure tank included. From 2003 to 2016, 7-speed automatics require filling from under the car. For use with Red or Blue Fluid. Video instructions included.

Effective 1/24/25, we will no longer include the pressure tank. You can get your own at your local hardware store and save on this kit and shipping!


M112 M272 V6 M113 M273 V8 Belt Tension Release and Drive Belt Install Tool Set

Works on all V6 and V8 engines from 1998 to 2013 - That's a few million engines!

Includes a long custom bent 3/8 extension, correct socket, plastic mirror, and locking pin. You add another 3/8 extension to make the job a snap. Watch the video below for a full explanation of this tool and how it works.


M112 V6 M113 V8 Power Steering Reservoir Tank Clip Removal Tool

Not necessary for some applications but on some you will find the clip is "stuck on" and will need some tool to pry it out. This is our creation to solve the problem.

We designed this tool to be able to easily pry off the C-clip holding the fluid tank onto the power steering pump on M112 and M113 engines.


W123 W126 OM616 OM617 Diesel Motor Mount 8mm Heavy Duty Long Socket

Made in Taiwan. Very hard steel. This is a sharp edge impact socket for maximum strength. For most diesels 1977 to 1985 except W116 300SD (requires 10mm)

Removing the front rubber engine mounts requires getting under the car and going up inside a hole in the subframe to remove the main bolt. And it can be a bear! I don't know who they hired to tighten these at the factory, but he must have been a brute.


R107 350SL 450SL 280SL 380SL 500SL 560SL Hood Opening Extender

We call it the 107 "head saver!" For all 107 from 1972 to 1989 - Raise the hood quickly to ease maintenance and prevent head injury! As seen on YouTube.

I have hit my head so many times on the grill edge while working on R107 engines that I finally decided to do something about it while recently changing the fuel injectors on a 380SL.
